SAVA High-pressure Lifting Bags

SAVA High-pressure Lifting Bags

8 BAR (116 PSI)
High-pressure lifting bags are used for lifting the heaviest loads.

8 BAR (116 PSI)

High-pressure lifting bags are used for lifting the heaviest loads. High-pressure lifting bags exert maximum force in a concentrated area, making them ideal when lifting rigid structures in tight places. Their unique structure also allows use in load shifting, heavy truck or aircraft recovery and different moving situations.

Sava high-pressure lifting bags, flat

  • Used for machine shifting, rock support, etc.
  • The maximum lifting force can reach 31 tons.
  • Material: Anti-wear rubber and KEVLAR fiber.

The maximum lifting force can reach 31 tons, and the lifting height can reach 57cm when the three air cushions are stacked. If a single air cushion with a lifting force of 64 tons is used, when the jacking height is 50cm, the jacking force is reduced to less than 5 tons, and the difference is more than 6 times.

Material: Anti-wear rubber with KEVLAR fiber.

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